Saturday, August 16, 2008

Layout 2 Continued...

Here is the final for my portfolio class back in April. It was very unfortunate for me to not have this done in time for Siggraph (which was an awesome experience), but I did get some insight and encouragement from industry professionals, teachers and peers. I now have a better idea of whats to be expected. If you want to see some pics of the event check out my teacher's blog Jeff Jackson at ( and while your at it check out my school Cogswell Polytechnical College ( which totally represented at the event! Big ups guys! I will definitely try to make it to next years event in New Orleans!

Here is another version with a different font. I believe this was the final version.


Jeff Jackson said...

Hey Joe,
The reel looks good. What did your reviewers say about it? I know you have more stuff, where is that?

Michael Panov said...

Hey Joe! good to hear from you man! Nice stuff on your reel!

I think these models are really cool! I suggest probably going the extra mile and putting some textures on them, maybe even rigging them up and have an animator friend do a walk cycle or something to push the presentation a bit! Also for the bull ring, maybe you can throw it into maya or xsi or something and do a camera move instead of the stills. I feel they break up the dynamic of the reel.
