Monday, April 28, 2008

Creature for Modeling 3 Final

April 30th: here is a painted version of the model. I'm still trying to work on the lighting a bit because it is blowing out all of the detail.

Well kids I think I'm about due to post something new. This render is a combination of a sea turtle, rhino, and an elephant. i got the idea from a sculpture i did awhile back in Thomas Applegate's (sculpting teacher) class. this is turning out a hell of a lot better than the sculpture did. anyways, got to get back to work and paint this sucker!



Anonymous said...

Wow... this strangly seems familiar

Jillian LeNoble said...

I can only say that this model looks great!

Maybe more work on the texture, but over all a very strong piece.

jgiambrone said...

thanks! yeah the global illumination setting blew out all the detail and color on the model. i'll show you the original file sometime when i see you.

Jeff Jackson said...

Joe, this looks great. Looks like a "loggerhellafantrhinitus" (Rhinocerotidae Elephantoidae Caretta) I'm interested in seeing your notes on its skeleton as I just see a little something screwy with its neck insertion. Try to play with the scales becoming more of the leathery skin, maybe even imagine a hard carapace at the shoulders to blend the species a bit more. Otherwise it just sort of looks like you glued the parts together like this piece of crap...
Anyway looks of coolness.