Friday, October 31, 2008

Very Old Sketchbook Stuff To Laugh At!

Well it's been awhile since I posted anything, so since its Halloween, I feel it is appropriate to put up some scary stuff that we all can laugh at! Enjoy!

Next time I'll put up some cool NEW stuff. I promise!



I dig this guy! I was thinking of modeling a full character from this concept.

These are rough concepts for a childrens book I was working on.


Anonymous said...

Old stuff rules! I dig it. Now lets see some fun new stuff too. Im glad you dig the texturing. Yeah the arena looks pretty awsome, I could tell you who did that but then Ide have to kill ya.

Anonymous said...

I added a couple more shots just for you.

Kyle Van Meurs said...

Cool stuff man.

Wheres this model you have been talking about? :D

jgiambrone said...

coming soon....