Friday, April 4, 2008

Layout 2

well folks, i've been working real hard to revamp my demo real for my portfolio class. here's a layout i've cooked up to test out. drop a line and tell me what you think. the models of course arent done but i needed to put something in there.


Jillian LeNoble said...

Joe, this is looking really nice!!! Great layout and animatic features. No crits.

Will you texture any of it though?

jgiambrone said...

yeah i know, i desperately need to get some stuff done! what is wrong with me?

Kyle Van Meurs said...

Hey Joe, these are looking really good man - the development shot of the arena is really cool.

I would say that font you are using isn't working too well though. I had a really hard time reading the text even though it's also going by really fast.

I like how you are playing with the camera moves in Modo. I think you hit it spot on with the German soldier, but for the others that only show off a 180 or less, it feels like it should go all the way around or something? Dunno, I guess what I'm saying is it feels like it should be doing a lot but we are only getting to see part of the model from it.

Keep up the good work though. Are you graduating this semester?

jgiambrone said...

thanks for the feedback its very helpful! i will change these things. and yes sadly i am graduating this semester. i know i have tons of work to do and i'm bugging out!