Monday, April 28, 2008

Creature for Modeling 3 Final

April 30th: here is a painted version of the model. I'm still trying to work on the lighting a bit because it is blowing out all of the detail.

Well kids I think I'm about due to post something new. This render is a combination of a sea turtle, rhino, and an elephant. i got the idea from a sculpture i did awhile back in Thomas Applegate's (sculpting teacher) class. this is turning out a hell of a lot better than the sculpture did. anyways, got to get back to work and paint this sucker!


Friday, April 4, 2008

Layout 2

well folks, i've been working real hard to revamp my demo real for my portfolio class. here's a layout i've cooked up to test out. drop a line and tell me what you think. the models of course arent done but i needed to put something in there.