Thursday, December 13, 2012

Drawing for Animation Model Pack

Here is an update of my progress for the character redesigning the Guardians of the Galaxy project I'm working on. The first is Nikki Gold. I had to toon her up abit for the Animation class, but I plan on taking it further and create a painting along with a 3D model. let me know what you think!?!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Guardians of the Galaxy project

Hello again I'm back! Over the past couple months I've went back to my old stomping grounds (Cogswell Polytechnical College) to take a Drawing fo Animation class with one of my favorite teachers and friend Jeff Jackson. The experience has been very rewarding and I have reignited my passion for traditional illustration and concept designing. I have been wanting to redesign the traditional Guardians of the Galaxy as a personal project for awhile now and this class was the perfect forum to get started. I've always been a fan of comics and science fiction and felt this team was the perfect blend of the two genres. Since Marvel Studios is coming out with a movie of the new team, I thought it would be cool to update the late 60's original team. Here is a pass at the first character I've tackled so far Nicholette Gold.

Expression Sheets -

Friday, August 24, 2012

Oldies Inspiration

I was going through some anatomy notes the other day and stumbled upon some old character stuff I did for a drawing for animation class I had back at Cogswell. Some of the sheets I like (head comps) and some I don't (turnarounds). I'll post them as a reminder and motivation to create more in my off time and get better at designing. Enjoy!
This was for the final project of the class and the assignment was to take the characters of the Wizard Of Oz and make them your own. We could change the story but keep the theme in place. My premise was old washed up horror movie icons (Dracula - Cowardly Lion, The Mummy - Tin Man, and Frankenstein - The Scarecrow) that what to get back in the entertainment business. Dorthy, was an inspiring film maker and journalist who wanted to document and capture their rise back to the top!

Expression Sheets


Sunday, August 5, 2012

On A Mission - Down South


It's time to make that trek down south again to the wonderful world of Siggraph. Here's some aimless self promotion items I will be soliciting this week. Should be fun!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Diablo Loco Animated Short

Diablo Loco by Heath Grant and Stuart Hallock

Here's the link to the animated short I helped create, which was an offical selection to the 2011 Santa Cruz Film Festival. Enjoy!