Friday, February 29, 2008

Animated Short "El Diablo Loco"

Well I think its time for a new post! I know what your thinking "when is this guy going to post some "New" work? And I agree with you completely! For the past few months I have been working on a animated short film entitled "EL DIABLO LOCO," which will be due out sometime next year. I can't give you any information on it yet because i have to get permission from the creators. My friend Heath Grant and Stuart Hallock (animators/concept artists/modelers) came up with this exciting project that I'm happy to be apart of! I am the lead modeler on the project, who created the environment that the film takes place in. I also did mesh clean up and additional modeling to all of the characters in the film. I will probably be summoned to do props in the future as well. Other members of the team include David Rutan (unwrapping and texture-lighting artist), Jeff Jackson (adviser/Art Director/teacher), Mike Roberts (modeling/adviser/teacher), Mike Huber (Project Manager/adviser/teacher), Cassia Harries (modeling), and Jillian LeNoble (modeling). The film makers hope to enter it into next years Siggraph event and film festivals. Stay tuned for more details!

Update: March 7th-

Here is a short modeling demo reel i did for the movie. It shows the mesh clean up work I did and additional modeling (although some of the edits you can't really see because it didn't render the wire frames. dou!). I also did all the mouths for the characters (which some of them you can't see really either). The original models were done by me, Mike Roberts, Heath Grant, Stuart Hallock, Jillian LeNoble, and Cassia Harries. Enjoy!


Jillian LeNoble said...

'bout time so where the visual goodies!

Anonymous said...

Wow check out all our cool work! Pretty sweet man. I started a blog page too. Now Im cool like you.

Anonymous said...

ya pOsted a videO but damnn lOko i it dOsent even shOw...