Saturday, November 17, 2012

Guardians of the Galaxy project

Hello again I'm back! Over the past couple months I've went back to my old stomping grounds (Cogswell Polytechnical College) to take a Drawing fo Animation class with one of my favorite teachers and friend Jeff Jackson. The experience has been very rewarding and I have reignited my passion for traditional illustration and concept designing. I have been wanting to redesign the traditional Guardians of the Galaxy as a personal project for awhile now and this class was the perfect forum to get started. I've always been a fan of comics and science fiction and felt this team was the perfect blend of the two genres. Since Marvel Studios is coming out with a movie of the new team, I thought it would be cool to update the late 60's original team. Here is a pass at the first character I've tackled so far Nicholette Gold.

Expression Sheets -