Friday, April 8, 2011

I'm Back... and with some Great News!

Well I'm back from a long hiatus. Alot of projects are ah-brewin' but, nothing new yet to showcase. I just found out recently from my good friend Heath Grant, that the animated short I worked on WILL be featured in this year's Santa Cruz Film Festival! This is very exciting news indeed. If your in town swing by and check it out! "Diablo Loco" Tickets at

I won't leave you empty handed. Here is another installment of "Oldies but Goodies." I initially wasn't going to post this stuff, but why not? Maybe someone will enjoy it.

This was my final project for Storyboarding in the summer of 2005. The objective was to pick one of 3 options for a story concept and sync it to the soundtrack. From what I recall, I picked a character has to go somewhere, obtain an object and then create something with it. When I heard this tune I immediately thought of early silent films, and comedies like "Laurel and Hardy" and "The Three Stooges." What do you think? (e.g. Music copyrighted to the Respected Parties - NOT MINE AND DON'T CLAIM IT TO BE.)

This was another final project from my web design class in the fall of 2005. It a majority of it focused on Flash and CSS. We had the choice of making a website or an animatic short. I chose the latter. I made up the character a long time ago and thought it was appropriate for the exercise. It consists mostly of key pose animations and is very refined. I did win an award for it as an animation concept in 2008, but to be fair, there wasn't many submissions. lol, hey I'm not complaining the animators should of stepped it up!